Self-Protection - Let's Talk

Episode 13


Published on: 16th June, 2021

Many of us have built up our own inner self-protections to guard places of our hearts where we have been hurt or overstepped, or we feel afraid and insecure. For whatever reason those self-protections are in place, we now live a life that is controlled and restricted to avoid anyone getting under the radar and either hurting us or seeing what is really there. In this episode Andy and Cath chat about how we can let God past our internal walls and guards and into the places of hurt, fear etc, and see Him bring true healing. He gently knocks on the door of our self-protections – if we let Him - He can bring life and freedom as He becomes our new much-better protector!

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Let's Talk
A podcast by Ellel Ministries International
Join us as we discuss struggles we can all face in life and how God can bring real freedom and healing. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, you are welcome to join us as we journey together – real people, with real issues, drawing close to a real life-changing God!

Let's Talk is hosted by Andy & Cath Taylor who are the International Directors of Ellel Ministries. Find out more at
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