Blind Spots - Let's Talk

Episode 28

Blind Spots

Published on: 23rd April, 2022

We all have blind spots - the problem is, we can't see them! But what if our blind spots are affecting our relationships and are even holding us back from more that God has for us? It is when we come alongside each other in real love and build trust and relationship, that there is a safe place to speak the truth in love. Join Andy & Cath as they chat about the challenge that it is to be accountable to others and to allow people to speak truth into our lives? It is also a challenge about how and when we have the right to speak to others about their potential blind spots. Listen along and be challenged to ponder this issue that affects us all.

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Let's Talk
A podcast by Ellel Ministries International
Join us as we discuss struggles we can all face in life and how God can bring real freedom and healing. Whoever you are and wherever you come from, you are welcome to join us as we journey together – real people, with real issues, drawing close to a real life-changing God!

Let's Talk is hosted by Andy & Cath Taylor who are the International Directors of Ellel Ministries. Find out more at
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